Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Some Great Foods to Serve With Wine

Some Great Foods to Serve With Wine

Having friends or neighbors over for wine? With the broad collection of great wines available cheaply these days, you can have a great gathering somewhat cheaply. Never before have so many great wines been available for such decent prices, thanks to modern vinicultural methods. But what to serve with wine? Here are some suggestions.

1) Cheese is a classic, although technically many people argue it doesn't go well with wine. I like it, I serve it, and if you like cheese you should too. Try a decent cheese shop and you'll commonly find cheeses that blow away most supermarket cheeses, plus they commonly let you try them to see what you like best.

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2) discrete pates, both meat and vegetable based, are exquisite with most wines. A mushroom pate from last weekend just worked so well with both reds and whites that I'm still dreaming of it!

3) Olives! Olives rock with cheese. I like to have a variety, at least a consolidate of types, and like Spanish, Greek, and other varieties too.

4) With white wines and lighter red wines, seafood appetizers are fantastic. Either shrimp, clams casino, oysters Rockefeller, or something simpler, seafood and wine are a match made in heaven.

5) Your favorite snack. all goes with wine, seriously. You like goldfish crackers or Doritos? Put them out. If whatever doesn't like them they don't need to eat them. Wine and food are about enjoyment after all, and snooty and snobby people need not apply.

There are some classic matches, but whatever you enjoy works. There are no rules, just trust your palate!

Some Great Foods to Serve With Wine

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