Tuesday, September 6, 2011

safe Your Computer From Hackers

safe Your Computer From Hackers

What is a Hacker?

A Hacker is a computer specialist who spends their time trying to find ways to break
into other computer systems and/or computer software. They also try to find ways
to make software act in ways it was not meant to do. The Hackers motives are
usually to see if they can get into the principles or not. For the most part, these
Hackers are only a minor nuisance and don't cause too much trouble.

Crackers & Biscuits Baby Food

What is a Cracker?

A Cracker or Criminal Hacker is the same thing as a Hacker except that their
motives are different than a Hackers motives. A Cracker breaks into a principles or
software for Criminal purposes. They may wish to steal something and / or they
may wish to disrupt the principles that they are in. Crackers are far worse than the
regular Hacker.

Hackers and Crackers are a real question in today's high tech society. If you
don't take some steps to safe yourself from them, it will only be a matter of
time until they cause you some trouble. Here are a few steps you can take to
help safe you from Hackers and Crackers.

Firewall: If you are using Dsl or Cable then a firewall is a must. With Dsl and Cable, your internet is on all the time. The Hackers run programs looking for computers linked to the internet by their Ip address. Once found the evil hackers then try to find a way to break into your system. One of the things that the Firewall does is to mask your computer so that the Hacker's probe comes up negative. If you have Windows Xp then you should embark on the already included Firewall Program. If you don't have Windows Xp then you can use a agenda similar to Zone Alarm. Anti Virus Software:Regular Anti Virus - Make sure you get yourself a good normal purpose anti virus software and set it to automatically run every week. Keep your virus definitions up to date so it can all the time catch the latest viruses. Trojans: A Trojan virus is a agenda that installs other software on your system. They can also give the hacker other means to enter your principles and do just about anything. Your normal purpose anti virus software will get some of these and some of them will need extra anti Trojan software to get rid of them. Spyware: This puny buggers are admittedly common and easy to get infected with. Spyware is software that gets installed onto your computer without your knowledge or consent. Some are used for tracking and some are used to influence search results or cause all sorts of popups. If you have a lot of spyware on your system, it will start to slow down. The thing about spyware is that your regular anti virus software will Not get them. I use Four different spyware programs to get rid of them all. It seems that No one spyware removal software can get them all.

Many hackers send Virus's and Spyware in email attachments. Never open an email attachment from a stranger. Never open an email attachment that is an executable agenda unless you admittedly trust the source. Sometimes hackers will send virus's through infected computers so you feel safe occasion the attachment. Make sure you anti virus software also scans your incoming emails.

Keep your operating principles updated with the latest patches. Hackers are all the time looking for ways to exploit main stream operating principles software. As soon as the manufacturer finds out about it, they release a fix or patch. If you don't modernize your principles with these fixes, you could be vulnerable to hackers.

You should keep away from cracked software for more than just the criminal or moral reasons. Crackers or Criminal Hackers obviously can't be trusted. They have been known to put Trojans and other malicious code into the cracked software. You think you are getting your software for free when you may be letting a hacker into your system. Be smart and pay for all your software.

I found a website that will test your computer security for Free. It's called Shields Up. It will test your internet connection, probe your ports and give you a report. It will give you an idea on how obtain your connection is.

Regular backups of sensitive or foremost material should be part of your routine. If you have files, documents or photos on your principles that you can't loose, then back them up. Save a copy to an additional one computer or even best a Cd / Dvd.

By following some or all of the above steps, you can best safe yourself from Hackers and Crackers.

safe Your Computer From Hackers

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